Guest speakers
Laurel Nicholes, Director, Product Content Experience at F5 Networks
Nikoletta Vecsei Harrold, Director, Communities Strategy and Social Media at Transamerica
Customers and employees are happiest when they have context as well as content. Context requires a broad set of voices having one conversation. Too often, companies have initiatives in silos that yield duplicate, contradictory content that doesn’t serve the business’s main goals.
In this real-world study, learn how one company built a “community interlock” across all areas of the business, including marketing, engineering, product management and customer success. With a minimum time investment, the interlock yields rich community content, programming, and a feedback mechanism to share customer sentiment cross-functionally.
Also, learn more about how you can preserve collaboration while aligning your content strategy, in a complementary article by guest speaker Laurel Nicholes.
In this webinar you will learn:
From real-life examples how to create content your customers want
How to bring context to your content
To support your customers needs
This webinar was recorded Sept. 27, 2017. Length: 59:15.