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250+ Hashtags and Days of Observance for Your 2021 Social Media Calendar

Writer's picture: Hamad Abdel AalHamad Abdel Aal
Find 250+ socially relevant national and international hashtags to help your brand get more engagement in 2021 with our social media calendar. Tap into #hashtagholidays and days of observance throughout the year that might be meaningful to your audience.

There is power in relevancy. When it comes to online content, it can appear easy to build connections, but it is, in fact, harder. Through social media, we lose the human interaction and the ability to experience non-verbal communication. However, there are opportunities to build connections with people across the world, and it can be through socially relevant holidays and days of observance that we celebrate primarily online.

Of course, we have our traditional holidays, like New Year’s Day, but there are quirky, unique holidays that are designed to bring awareness and conversation to important topics throughout the year. Some brands have utilized hashtag holidays to connect with their audience and it’s worked exceptionally well with sparking discussion and brand loyalty.Social media holidays can bring fun, thoughtful engagement to your profile. Plan proactively to avoid scrambling for content for last-minute participation. #ContentMarketing | #SocialMedia | via @AltimeseNichole Click To Tweet

Social media can encompass two different lanes of responsibility: strategy and execution. If we’re not careful, we can place more emphasis on one more than the other. To ensure a strategy isn’t put on the back burner, proactive planning is essential.

Did you miss National Best Friends Day last year? What about World Mental Health Day or World Kindness Day?

Have no fear! We’re here to help you with our #ClearVoice 2021 social media calendar for hashtag holidays and days of observance.

This social media calendar highlights the national holidays as well as socially relevant topics of discussion. If you see a holiday that connects with your audience and the mission of your brand, cultivate messaging that highlights the connection. Think outside the box and have fun with the process!

Remember, this strategy is to join the current conversation of relevancy on the platform! Be prepared to engage online with your content as well as others. You can also learn more about ClearVoice can help produce social media content for your brand.

New for our 2021 social media calendar

Monthly themes are a great way to get hyper-focused in your messaging while joining in on a relevant topic on social media. These can also apply to the themed weekly holidays as well. While creating strategic, hyper-focused content, incorporate a full social media strategy to create engagement with your content.

Weekly observances can help you build a structure and a cohesive flow with all of your content surrounding a holiday or observance. Try out the different types of themed observances to discover the best ones for your brand.

Also keep up with the platforms…

See our 2021 Social Media Updates post, which rounds up bite-sized nuggets of the latest updates to the most popular social media platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Clubhouse, Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat and more.

Popular hashtags for your 2021 social media calendar:

Jump to month: Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

January 2021 social media hashtags and holidays

Themes for the month of January:

  1. Financial Wellness Month

  2. Get A Balanced Life Month

  3. Get Organized Month

  4. International Creativity Month

  5. International New Years Resolutions Month for Businesses

  6. International Wealth Mentality Month

  7. National Be On-Purpose Month

  8. National Mentoring Month 

  9. National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

January 2021 hashtag calendar:

  1. January 1 – New Year’s Day #NewYearsDay

  2. January 2 – National Motivation and Inspiration Day #MotivationandInspirationDay

  3. January 2 – Science Fiction Day #ScienceFictionDay

  4. January 2 – World Introvert Day #WorldIntrovertDay

  5. January 4 – National Trivia Day #NationalTriviaDay

  6. January 6 – National Technology Day #NationalTechnologyDay

  7. January – National Vision Board Day #VisionBoardDay

  8. January 11 – Human Trafficking Awareness Day #HumanTraffickingAwarenessDay

  9. January 11 – Clean Off Your Desk Day #CleanOffYourDeskDay

  10. January 13 – National Sticker Day #NationalStickerDay

  11. January 13 – Public Radio Broadcasting Day #PublicRadioBroadcastingDay

  12. January 14 – Organize Your Home Day #OrganizeYourHomeDay

  13. January 15 – Humanitarian Day #HumanitarianDay

  14. January 15 – National Hat Day #NationalHatDay

  15. January 16 – Get to Know Your Customers Day #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay

  16. January 20 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day #MLKDay

  17. January 21 – National Hugging Day #NationalHuggingDay

  18. January 23 – National Pie Day #PieDay

  19. January 24 – National Compliment Day #NationalComplimentDay

  20. January 25 – Chinese New Year #YearOfTheRat

  21. January 25 – Opposite Day #OppositeDay

  22. January 27 – Community Manager Appreciation Day #CMAD

  23. January 31 – Backwards Day #BackwardsDayAre you planning 2021 content? Consider these 250+ socially relevant holidays and observances to integrate into your messaging. #SocialMediaHolidays | #ContentMarketing | via @AltimeseNichole Click To Tweet

February 2021 social media hashtags and holidays

Themes for the month of February:

  1. African-American Cultural Heritage Month

  2. American Heart Month

  3. International Month of Black Women in The Arts 

  4. National Black History Month

  5. National Time Management Month

  6. National Weddings Month

  7. National Women Inventors Month

  8. North American Inclusion Month (NAIM)

Weeks of observance in February:

  1. International Networking Week: February 1-5

  2. African Heritage & Health Week: February 1-7

  3. Women’s Heart Week: February 1-7

  4. American Association for The Advancement of Science Week: February 8-11

  5. Freelance Writer Appreciation Week: February 8-13

  6. Random Acts of Kindness Week: February 8-14

  7. National Entrepreneurship Week: February 13-20

February 2021 hashtag calendar:

  1. February 2 – Groundhog Day #GroundhogDay

  2. February 2 – World Wetlands Day #WorldWetlandsDay

  3. February 4 – World Cancer Day #WorldCancerDay

  4. February 5 – National Weatherperson’s Day #NationalWeatherpersonsDay

  5. February 5 – National Bubble Gum Day #BubbleGumDay

  6. February 7 – Super Bowl LV #SuperBowl2021 

  7. February 7 – National Send a Card to a Friend Day #SendACardToAFriendDay

  8. February 8 – National Boy Scouts Day #BoyScoutsDay

  9. February 9 – National Pizza Day #NationalPizzaDay

  10. February 11 – Safer Internet Day #SID2021

  11. February 11 – Inventors Day #InventorsDay

  12. February 13 – Self-Love Day #SelfLoveDay

  13. February 13 – World Radio Day #WorldRadioDay

  14. February 14 – Valentine’s Day #ValentinesDay

  15. February 14 –  International Book Giving Day #InternationalBookGivingDay

  16. February 15 – Presidents Day #PresidentsDay

  17. February 16 – Mardi Gras #MardiGras

  18. February 16 – National Pancake Day #NationalPancakeDay

  19. February 17 – Random Acts of Kindness Day #RandomActsOfKindnessDay

  20. February 18 – National Battery Day #NationalBatteryDay

  21. February 20 – World Day of Social Justice #SocialJusticeDay

  22. February 20 – Love Your Pet Day #LoveYourPetDay

  23. February 21 – International Mother Language Day #IMLD

  24. February 22 – National Wildlife Day #NationalWildlifeDay

  25. February 25 – Digital Learning Day #DLDay

Looking for an angle for Digital Learning Day? Consider promoting your digital products. Your expertise presents value to your audience, so don’t be shy in sharing your knowledge with your audience.

March 2021 social media hashtags and holidays

Themes for the month of March:

  1. American Red Cross Month

  2. National Women’s History Month

  3. Social Work Month

  4. Spiritual Wellness Month

  5. Women’s History Month

March 2021 hashtag calendar:

  1. March 1 – National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day #PeanutButterLoversDay

  2. March 2 – National Read Across America Day #ReadAcrossAmerica

  3. March 3 – World Wildlife Day #WorldWildlifeDay

  4. March 4 – National Grammar Day #GrammarDay 

  5. March 4 – World Maths Day #MathsDay 

  6. March 4 – World Book Day #WorldBookDay

  7. March 5 – National Day of Unplugging #DayOfUnplugging 

  8. March 6 – National Employee Appreciation Day #EmployeeAppreciationDay

  9. March 6 – National Dentist’s Day #DentistsDay 

  10. March 7 – National Cereal Day #NationalCerealDay

  11. March 8 – International Women’s Day #InternationalWomensDay #IWD2021 #EachforEqual

  12. March 8 – National Proofreading Day #NationalProofreadingDay

  13. March 9 – Organize Your Home Office Day #OrganizeYourHomeOfficeDay

  14. March 10 – Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day #NWGHAAD

  15. March 12 – National Girl Scout Day #GirlScoutDay

  16. March 12 – Popcorn Lover’s Day #PopcornLoversDay

  17. March 13 – World Sleep Day #WorldSleepDay

  18. March 14 – Potato Chip Day #NationalPotatoChipDay

  19. March 14 – Pi Day #PiDay

  20. March 14 – Daylight Savings #DaylightSavings

  21. March 15 – National Napping Day #NationalNappingDay

  22. March 16 – National Freedom of Information Day #FreedomOfInformationDay

  23. March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day #StPatricksDay

  24. March 18 – Awkward Moments Day #NationalAwkwardMomentsDay

  25. March 19 – National Let’s Laugh Day #NationalLetsLaughDay

  26. March 20 – First Day of Spring #FirstDayofSpring

  27. March 20 – International Day of Happiness #InternationalDayofHappiness

  28. March 20 – World Storytelling Day #WorldStorytellingDay

  29. March 21 – Elimination of Racial Discrimination Day #RacialDiscriminationDay

  30. March 21 – World Poetry Day #WorldPoetryDay

  31. March 22 – World Water Day #WorldWaterDay #Water2me

  32. March 23 – National Puppy Day #NationalPuppyDay

  33. March 25 – Tolkien Reading Day #TolkienReadingDay

  34. March 26 – National Spinach Day #NationalSpinachDay

  35. March 26 – Purple Day #PurpleDay

  36. March 27 – Earth Hour Day #EarthHourDay

  37. March 31 – Transgender Day of Visibility #TDOV

April 2021 social media hashtags and holidays

Themes for the month of April:

  1. Celebrate Diversity Month

  2. National Poetry Month

  3. Stress Awareness Month

Weeks of observance in April:

  1. Ramadan: April 12 – May 11

April 2021 hashtag calendar:

  1. April 1 – April Fools Day #AprilFools

  2. April 1 – National Walking Day #NationalWalkingDay

  3. April 2 –  World Autism Awareness Day #WAAD

  4. April 3 – Find a Rainbow Day #FindARainbowDay

  5. April 4 – Hug a Newsperson Day #HugANewsperson

  6. April 7 – World Health Day #LetsTalk

  7. April 10 – National Siblings Day #NationalSiblingsDay

  8. April 10 – Encourage a Young Writer Day #EncourageAYoungWriterDay

  9. April 11 – National Pet Day #NationalPetDay

  10. April 12 – International Day of Human Space Flight #HumanSpaceFlightDay

  11. April 15 – Academy Awards #AcademyAwards

  12. April 15 – National Tax Day #TaxDay

  13. April 15 – Get to Know Your Customers Day #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay

  14. April 15 – National High-Five Day #NH5D

  15. April 16 – National Stress Awareness Day #StressAwarenessDay

  16. April 16 – Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day #PJDay

  17. April 17 – Haiku Poetry Day #HaikuPoetryDay

  18. April 20 – National Look-Alike Day #NationalLookAlikeDay

  19. April 21 – National Administrative Professionals Day #AdministrativeProfessionalsDay

  20. April 22 – Earth Day #EarthDay2021

  21. April 22 – Take Our Daughters & Sons to Work Day #COUNTONME

  22. April 23 – National Picnic Day #NationalPicnicDay

  23. April 25 – World Malaria Day #EndMalariaForGood

  24. April 28 – Denim Day #DenimDay

  25. April 29 – International Dance Day #InternationalDanceDay

  26. April 30 – National Honesty Day #NationalHonestyDay

  27. April 30 – International Jazz Day #JazzDay

  28. April 30 – National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day #AdoptAShelterPetDay

  29. April 30 – Arbor Day #ArborDay

May 2021 social media hashtags and holidays

Themes for the month of May:

  1. Asian American Month

  2. Lupus Awareness Month

  3. Family Wellness Month

  4. National Barbecue Month

Weeks of observance in May:

  1. Ramadan: April 12 – May 11

May 2021 hashtag calendar:

  1. May 1 – International Workers Day #IntWorkersDay

  2. May 1 – May Day #MayDay

  3. May 3 – World Press Freedom Day #WPFD2020

  4. May 4 – Star Wars Day #StarWarsDay

  5. May 4 – International Firefighters Day #InternationalFirefightersDay

  6. May 4 – Thank a Teacher Day #ThankATeacher

  7. May 5 – Cinco de Mayo #CincoDeMayo

  8. May 5 – World Asthma Day #WorldAsthmaDay

  9. May 6 – National Nurses Day #NursesDay

  10. May 7 – World Password Day #WorldPasswordDay

  11. May 9 – Europe Day #EuropeDay 

  12. May 9 – Mother’s Day #MothersDay

  13. May 10 – World Lupus Day #LupusDay

  14. May 12 – National Limerick Day #NationalLimerickDay

  15. May 12 – National Receptionist Day #NationalReceptionistDay

  16. May 15 – International Day of Families #FamilyDay

  17. May 15 – National Chocolate Chip Day #ChocolateChipDay

  18. May 16 – Love a Tree Day #LoveATreeDay

  19. May 17 – Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia #IDAHOT

  20. May 21 – Endangered Species Day #EndangeredSpeciesDay 

  21. May 24 – National Scavenger Hunt Day #NationalScavengerHuntDay

  22. May 28 – Hamburger Day #NationalHamburgerDay

  23. May 28 – Heat Awareness Day #NoFryDay

  24. May 30 – National Creativity Day #NationalCreativityDay 

  25. May 31 – World No-Tobacco Day #NoTobacco

  26. May 31 – Memorial Day #MemorialDay

June 2021 social media hashtags and holidays

Themes for the month of June:

  1. LGBTQ Pride Month

  2. Men’s Health Education and Awareness Month

June 2021 hashtag calendar:

  1. June 4 – National Donut Day #NationalDonutDay

  2. June 5 – World Environment Day #WorldEnvironmentDay

  3. June 6 – Higher Education Day #HigherEducationDay

  4. June 6 – National Cancer Survivor’s Day #NCSD2021

  5. June 8 – World Oceans Day #WorldOceansDay

  6. June 8 – Best Friends Day #BestFriendsDay 

  7. June 11 – Make Life Beautiful Day #MakeLifeBeautiful

  8. June 14 – National Flag Day #FlagDay

  9. June 14 – World Blood Donor Day #GiveBlood

  10. June 20 – World Refugee Day #WorldRefugeeDay

  11. June 20 – First Day of Summer #FirstDayOfSummer

  12. June 20 – Father’s Day #FathersDay

  13. June 21 – National Selfie Day #NationalSelfieDay

  14. June 21 – World Music Day #WorldMusicDay

  15. June 21 –  International Yoga Day #InternationalYogaDay

  16. June 23 – National Columnists’ Day #NationalColumnistDay

  17. June 27 – National Sunglasses Day #NationalSunglassesDay

  18. June 30 – Social Media Day #SMDay, #SocialMediaDay


Find a Team to Create Content for Your Social Media Calendar

Never miss a chance to engage with customers. Create better content, faster. With ClearVoice, you can tap into vetted freelance teams who can manage your content plans, start to finish. Major content projects to long-term content needs. Articles, motion graphics, posts and more to fill your 2020 social media calendar and all your content channels for hashtag holidays.


July 2021 social media hashtags and holidays

Themes for the month of July:

  1. National Grilling Month

  2. National Ice Cream Month

July 2021 hashtag calendar:

  1. July 1 – National Postal Worker Day #NationalPostalWorkerDay

  2. July 2 – World UFO Day #WorldUFODay

  3. July 4 – Independence Day #July4th

  4. July 7 – World Chocolate Day #WorldChocolateDay

  5. July 11 – Cheer Up the Lonely Day #CheerUpTheLonelyDay

  6. July 12 – Malala Day #MalalaDay

  7. July 12 – National Simplicity Day – #NationalSimplicityDay

  8. July 15 – Give Something Away Day #GiveSomethingAwayDay

  9. July 15 – Get to Know Your Customers Day #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay

  10. July 17 – World Emoji Day #WorldEmojiDay

  11. July 18 – Nelson Mandela International Day #MandelaDay

  12. July 30 – International Day of Friendship #DayOfFriendship

August 2021 social media hashtags and holidays

Themes for the month of August:

  1. American Artists Appreciation Month

  2. Black Business Month

  3. National Immunization Awareness Month

August 2021 hashtag calendar:

  1. August 1 – Planner Day #PlannerDay

  2. August 1 – American Family Day #AmericanFamilyDay

  3. August 2 – National Coloring Book Day #NationalColoringBookDay

  4. August 8 – International Cat Day #InternationalCatDay

  5. August 9 – National Book Lovers Day #NationalBookLoversDay

  6. August 11 – National Sons and Daughters Day #SonsAndDaughtersDay

  7. August 12 – International Youth Day #YouthDay

  8. August 12 – World Elephant Day #WorldElephantDay

  9. August 13 – International Lefthanders Day #LefthandersDay

  10. August 15 – National Relaxation Day #NationalRelaxationDay

  11. August 16 – National Tell a Joke Day #NationalTellAJokeDay

  12. August 19 –  World Photo Day #WorldPhotoDay

  13. August 19 – World Humanitarian Day #WorldHumanitarianDay

  14. August 20 – National Lemonade Day #NationalLemonadeDay

  15. August 26 – National Dog Day #NationalDogDay

  16. August 26 – National Women’s Equality Day #WomensEqualityDay

September 2021 social media hashtags and holidays

Themes for the month of September:

  1. Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

  2. National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15)

September 2021 hashtag calendar:

  1. September 5 – International Day of Charity #CharityDay

  2. September 6 – Read a Book Day #ReadABookDay

  3. September 6 – Labor Day #LaborDay

  4. September 8 – International Literacy Day #LiteracyDay

  5. September 10 – Stand Up To Cancer Day #KissCancerGoodbye

  6. September 11 – National Day of Service and Remembrance #911Day

  7. September 12 – National Day of Encouragement #DayOfEncouragement

  8. September 12 – National Video Games Day #NationalVideoGamesDay

  9. September 12 – National Grandparents Day #NationalGrandparentsDay

  10. September 14 –  Live Creative Day #NationalLiveCreative Day #LiveCreativeDay

  11. September 15 – Online Learning Day #OnlineLearningDay

  12. September 19 – Talk Like a Pirate Day #TalkLikeAPirateDay

  13. September 21 – International Day of Peace #PeaceDay

  14. September 21 – Miniature Golf Day #MiniGolfDay

  15. September 21 – Civic Day of Hacking #HackForChange

  16. September 21 – World Alzheimer’s Day #Alzheimer’sDay

  17. September 22 – Car-Free Day #CarFreeDay

  18. September 22 – Hobbit Day #HobbitDay

  19. September 22 – First Day of Fall #1stDayOfFall

  20. September 26 – European Day of Languages #EDL2021

  21. September 27 – World Tourism Day #WTD2021

  22. September 28 – World Rabies Day #WorldRabiesDay

  23. September 28 – National Good Neighbor Day #GoodNeighborDay

  24. September 29 – International Coffee Day #InternationalCoffeeDay

  25. September 29 – National Women’s Health and Fitness Day #FitnessDay

  26. September 30 – International Podcast Day #InternationalPodcastDay

  27. September 30 – National Love People Day #NationalLOVEPeopleDAY 

October 2021 social media hashtags and holidays

Themes for the month of October:

  1. Breast Cancer Awareness Month

  2. Domestic Violence Awareness Month

  3. Global Diversity Awareness Month

  4. National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month

  5. National Cyber Security Awareness Month

October 2021 hashtag calendar:

  1. October 1 – International Day of Older Persons #UNDOP

  2. October 1 – World Vegetarian Day #WorldVegetarianDay

  3. October 2 – Day of Nonviolence #InternationalDayOfNonviolence

  4. October 2 – National Techies Day #TechiesDay

  5. October 4 – World Animal Day #WorldAnimalDay

  6. October 4 – National Taco Day #NationalTacoDay

  7. October 4 – World Habitat Day #WorldHabitatDay

  8. October 5 – World Teachers Day #WorldTeachersDay

  9. October 10 – World Mental Health Day #WorldMentalHeathDay

  10. October 11 – International Day of the Girl #DayOfTheGirl

  11. October 13 – National Train Your Brain Day #TrainYourBrainDay

  12. October 14 – World Sight Day #WorldSightDay

  13. October 14 – National Dessert Day #DessertDay

  14. October 15 – Global Handwashing Day #GlobalHandwashingDay

  15. October 15 – Get to Know Your Customers Day #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay

  16. October 16 – National Boss’s Day #NationalBossDay #BossDay #BestBossEver #HappyBossDay 

  17. October 16 – World Food Day #FoodDay

  18. October 17 – National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day #CleanYourVirtualDesktopDay

  19. October 17 – Eradication of Poverty Day #EndPoverty

  20. October 21 – Reptile Awareness Day #ReptileAwarenessDay

  21. October 24 – United Nations Day #UNDay

  22. October 25 – Greasy Foods Day #GreasyFoodsDay

  23. October 28 – National Chocolate Day #NationalChocolateDay

  24. October 30 – National Candy Corn Day #CandyCornDay

  25. October 30 – National Publicist Day #NationalPublicist

  26. October 31 – Halloween #Halloween

November 2021 social media hashtags and holidays

Themes for the month of November:

  1. Novel Writing Month

  2. Epilepsy Awareness Month

  3. Men’s Health Awareness Month

Weeks of observance in November:

  1. World Kindness Week: November 7-13

  2. Childrens’ Book Week: November 8-14

  3. Random Acts of Kindness Week: November 15-22

  4. National Global Entrepreneurship Week: November 15-21

  5. Hanukkah: November 28 – December 6

November 2021 hashtag calendar:

  1. November 1 – World Vegan Day #WorldVeganDay

  2. November 1 – National Authors Day #NationalAuthorsDay

  3. November 3 – National Sandwich Day #NationalSandwichDay

  4. November 3 – International Stress Awareness Day #StressAwarenessDay

  5. November 4 – National Candy Day #NationalCandyDay

  6. November 7 – Daylight Saving Time Ends #DaylightSavings

  7. November 8 – National Cappuccino Day #CappuccinoDay

  8. November 8 – STEM Day #STEMDay

  9. November 11 – Veterans Day #VeteransDay

  10. November 13 – World Kindness Day #WKD

  11. November 14 – World Diabetes Day #WDD

  12. November 15 – Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day #CleanOutYourRefrigeratorDay

  13. November 15 – America Recycles Day #BeRecycled

  14. November 16 – International Day for Tolerance #ToleranceDay

  15. November 16 – National Entrepreneurs Day #EntrepreneursDay

  16. November 17 – International Students Day #InternationalStudentsDay

  17. November 19 – International Men’s Day #InternationalMensDay

  18. November 19 – Women’s Entrepreneurship Day #WomensEntrepreneurshipDay

  19. November 21 – World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims #WDoR2021 #WDoR 

  20. November 21 – World Hello Day #WorldHelloDay

  21. November 25 – Thanksgiving Day #Thanksgiving

  22. November 26 – Black Friday #BlackFriday #BlackFriday2021

  23. November 26 – National Cake Day #NationalCakeDay

  24. November 26 – National Native American Heritage Day #NAHertitage #NativeAmericanHeritageDay

  25. November 27 – National Day of Listening #DayOfListening

  26. November 27 – Small Business Saturday #SmallBusinessSaturday

  27. November 29 – Cyber Monday #CyberMonday

  28. November 30 – Computer Security Day #ComputerSecurityDay

  29. November 30 – Giving Tuesday #GivingTuesday

December 2021 social media hashtags and holidays

Themes for the month of December:

  1. AIDS Awareness Month

Weeks of observance in December:

  1. Hanukkah: November 28 – December 6

  2. Human Rights Week: December 10-17

  3. Kwanzaa: December 26 – January 1

December 2021 hashtag calendar:

  1. December 1 – World AIDS Day #WAD2020

  2. December 3 – Persons with Disabilities Day #IDPWD

  3. December 4 – National Cookie Day #NationalCookieDay

  4. December 5 – World Soil Day #WorldSoilDay

  5. December 8 – Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day #PretendToBeATimeTravelerDay

  6. December 10 – Human Rights Day #HumanRightsDay

  7. December 10 – Nobel Prize Day #NobelPrize

  8. December 11 – International Mountain Day #InternationalMountainDay

  9. December 21 – Crossword Puzzle Day #CrosswordPuzzleDay

  10. December 21 – First Day of Winter #WinterSolstice

  11. December 25 – Christmas Day #Christmas

  12. December 27 – No Interruptions Day #NoInterruptionsDay

  13. December 31 – New Year’s Eve #NewYearsEve

Find more 2021 events and updates to note for your social media calendar:



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