Business Jargon to Consider Retiring (Seriously Park the Nouning and Verbing)
Business jargon is a set of specialized words and phrases used by individuals in an industry or profession. Business jargon can be a...
Business jargon is a set of specialized words and phrases used by individuals in an industry or profession. Business jargon can be a...
You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. You are the company you keep. What goes around comes around. All of the sayings are ones we’ve...
Hello, it’s me. The person you’ve been waiting for – the one with the opportunity. In fact, I may have just sent you an email, a DM, a...
Most of the modern workforce’s dream is to move to a remote office setup — whether to spend more time with family, live in a more...
Though romantic relationships are often touted as the most painful and difficult dynamics of all (thanks emotions), business partnerships...
Although you’d think with the ubiquity of smartphones and video chat apps that everyone would innately know how to host a video...
With everyone pushing to convert traditional offices to remote offices with a distributed workforce, video conferencing is becoming the...
How can freelancers set client expectations? Develop an approach driven by clear communication and transparency. To set expectations,...
As someone who regularly needs to produce, but doesn’t necessarily glory in the process, I’m always looking for more efficient ways to...
Teamwork quotes need not be relegated to fluffy kitten posters that only inspire cynicism and target practice using the closest office...
Finding work is a top concern for freelancers. In fact, a whole host of income-related issues are troubling today’s freelancers, who...
In this five-part series, we navigate the importance of publicity in content creation, and illustrate how these two powerhouses can...
An effective customer messaging platform can help with marketing efforts — turning customers into brand advocates — and can save your...
Run, don’t walk! Literally every time I log into Facebook, I’m presented with someone else’s career dilemma and a long thread of...
The perfect freelancer scenario goes something like this. Client desperately needs help. Client finds superstar freelancer based on a...
When you’re a freelance writer, it’s easy to feel like an outsider looking in. You often toil job to job, shuttling between pitching...
There are numerous resources available on how to be a better freelance writer to clients, how to get more gigs, and how to make more...
Have you ever asked someone, “Can I pick your brain?” without intending to pay for their insight? If so, you’ve been an accidental...
What is the appropriate freelancer etiquette for working through a personal emergency? Stay calm and professional. Communicate time-off...
Solid, long-term relationships are important in most any business, but perhaps nowhere as much as with freelancers. And although managing...