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Video Marketing Checklist: Channels, Tips and Tools

Video marketing is standard in today’s world. If you want to reach a mass audience, blog posts just aren’t enough anymore. Even...

Authenticity: Your Content Marketing Secret Weapon

In the beginning, online marketing was about quantity. Your website ranking was determined by how much (haphazard) content you could...

The Role of Ghostwriting in Content Marketing

Corporate ghostwriters play an important role in helping businesses feed the increasing demand for high quality, branded content. There’s...

Stop Talking to Yourself: Creating Creative Personas

When I first started working as a content strategist for a start-up phone company, I was a one-woman powerhouse, the only producer of...

How to Get Your Boss to Invest in Content Marketing

“Nope.” If that’s the response you got from your boss when you tried to pitch them on content marketing, I’ve got some uncomfortable news...

Best in Show: Top Dogs of Content Marketing

Next time your dog falls over chasing his own tail, don’t laugh. Instead take note. Better yet, take video, upload it, and bask in its...

3 Ways to Drive Any Self-Respecting Editor Crazy

Most days, I love my job. I get to work with words all day in the dynamic, ever-changing field of content marketing. I edit a diverse...


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Don’t Leave It Dangling: A Guide to Modifiers

Greetings, Gentle Readers! This week’s not-made-up-by-me question comes to us from Sara in Phoenix. Sara writes: Oh, sweet Sara, is there...

Before You Press Publish: A Blog Editor’s Checklist

Whether you’re writing for your own blog or managing a brand blog for a large organization, you need to make every post count. Millions...

5 Simple Ways to Instantly Improve Your Writing

Dear Megan, I want to be a better writer in 2015. What would you suggest to get things started? And have you made any New Year’s...

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